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Allium Design Systemweb-only
Package version


import { Modal } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

A modal window is a secondary window that opens on top of the main one.

Users have to interact with it before they can carry out their task and return to the main window.


Use to reveal additional information to a user after they have performed an explicit interaction.

They are a strongly discouraged pattern; it's preferred to have all relevant information within a page, and irrelevant information either linked externally or omitted.

  • Must only appear after a customer interaction, not on page load or any other circumstance
  • Open a modal based on explicit customer action e.g. clicking on a button/link/form field
  • Only one modal should be "current" at any time
  • Read WebAIM's documentation to create accessible modals
  • Don’t use modals to reinforce or repeat information already available in the parent page or view
  • Don’t use modals consecutively


A content modal provides a way for the customer to access additional information without leaving the current page or view, and maintain context. It’s also an effective technique to catch the customer's attention to something vital, a specific task, or set of information.



A dialog modal provides information to the customer and prompts them for a response.

  • Use dialog modals as a means for customers to safely make actions that require their full attention, such as confirmations of destructive actions
  • The copy on the modal should clearly lead to confirm or reject an impending decision and if possible the outcomes
  • Avoid dialog modals:
    • if there are more than 2 options for customer consideration
    • as alerts to display errors, warnings, and success messages
    • being shown consecutively


The Allium Modal component is a web only component that applies some specific decisions about content structure and styling to the base component that is exported from @telus-uds/components-base. The Allium Modal is intentionally restrictive to discourage overly complex modals. In general, large and complex modals should be avoided as they can provide a poor user experience.

If you need a more flexible modal, you can use the BaseModal component, which is simply a re-export of the UDS Modal. This component allows you to pass anything to it as children to build a completely custom content layout inside your modal. Note, however, that BaseModal is also missing some additional features specific to the Allium Modal.



  • Be aware that a modal's appearance will put users of assistive technology in a new focus context. This may be disorientating, so be sure to ensure a modal's content and role is easy to understand and easy to get out of.
  • Long bodyText may scroll within the modal. Not all devices and operating systems make it visually apparent that scrollable sections of a page are scrollable, so try to avoid long text that might overflow.

Platform considerations

The Modal component is currently only supported on web.

The BaseModal component is available on both native platforms and web.


bodyTextstringIf the modal requires longer text, include it here. This text will become scrollable if it is too long for the allowed height of the modal.
cancelButtonTextstringText for the optional cancel button provided if the user does not want to do the confirm action.
cancelButtonTypeelementTypeComponent to use for the cancel button (default: 'TextButton'). Should accept similar props to 'TextButton'.
confirmButtonTextstringText for the button controlling the primary action of the modal.
confirmButtonVariantobjectButton variant object to be passed through to Button to choose its visual style.
headingstringHeading text shown prominently with heading semantic tags.
headingLevel'h3' | 'h4'Stylistic size and semantic level of the modal heading
isOpenboolIf true, the modal overlay covers the page and the modal content is shown
maxWidthboolIf true, Modal is rendered with the 'maxWidth' appearance applied. Use this for wider content, such as content with long headers.
onCancelfunconCloseAction to perform on pressing the cancel button. Defaults to 'onClose' action if undefined.
onClosefuncFunction called on pressing the Modal close "x" button
onConfirmfuncAction on pressing the confirm button.
subHeadingstringShort content rendered below the heading. If there is long body content that is scrollable, the subHeading sits above the scrollable area.
subHeadingSize'small' | 'medium' | 'large'Short content rendered below the heading. If there is long body content that is scrollable, the subHeading sits above the scrollable area.



This component does not have any stylistic variants.
