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UDS Base
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import { ExpandCollapse } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

Flexible base component for lists where some or all items are collapsible headers.


ExpandCollapse is designed for flexibility - components for a particular interaction pattern can be built on top of it. SideNav is an example of a component built on top of ExpandCollapse that facilitates a particular interaction pattern.


The outer ExpandCollapse represents the container for one or more collapsible ExpandCollapse.Panels and manages state on which panels are open and closed.


ExpandCollapse takes a render function as its child and passes it an object, expandProps, which can be spread onto any ExpandCollapse.Panels. These don't need to be direct children and can be anywhere inside the ExpandCollapse container.

Any number or arrangment of non-expandable items may be included alongside expandable panels.


maxOpen prop

By default, any number of items may be opened at once. If desired, a number may be passed to ExpandCollapse's maxItems props to pin it only allow that many items to be open at a time.

The Accordion component is a shorthand for ExpandCollapse with maxOpen set as 1.

initialOpen prop

An array of panel Ids may be passed to the initialOpen prop to set those panels as open by default.


Controlled behaviour with open prop

An ExpandCollapse may be controlled by a parent by passing an array of panel IDs to its open prop and a function that updates state to onChange. When delegating responsibility to the parent like this, initialOpen prop should not be used and open should always be defined as an array (pass an empty array when nothing is open).


Each section that may be opened and closed should be wrapped in an ExpandCollapse.Panel and the expandProps from the ExpandCollapse parent should be spread to each of these.

panelId prop (required)

Every ExpandCollapse.Panel must also take a panelId prop. This string will be used by the ExpandCollapse parent to manage whether this panel is open or closed.

Note that unlike HTML element id attributes, this does not need to be unique on the page. It is only used in the scope of the one ExpandCollapse parent. It should normally be unique within this one ExpandCollapse parent. If a panel id was to appear more than once, opening and closing each panel with the shared ID would open all others with the same ID.

control prop (required)

The control prop contains the rendered content in the pressable section that opens and closes the panel.

The icon and spacing around this content are controlled by the theme, which may be overridden by passing the panel a controlTokens object, for example, controlTokens={{ icon: null }} removes the panel's control's icon.


An ExpandCollapse panel's control is announced to assistive technology as a button with platform-appropriate notification of its expanded state automatically applied (aria-expanded on web and React Native's accessibilityState.expanded applied in native apps).

Platform considerations

ExpandCollapse is available on both web and native apps.


children*func | nodeExpandCollapse usually takes a render function to which it passes an object with properties { openIds, onToggle, resetValues, setValues, unsetValues }. openIds (array of ids) and onToggle (function) will usually be passed to '<ExpandCollapse.Panel>'
initialOpenArray<string>Allows items with specified ids to be open by default on first load. Should not be used with 'open'.
maxOpennumberIf set, enforces a specific maximum number of open items, closing already-open items when new items are opened. By default, any number of items may be open at once.
onChangefuncFunction called when which panels are currently open changes. Necessary if 'open' is passed.
openArray<string>If passed, the item or items that are expanded will be controlled by a parent component
tokenscustomSystem tokens prop, see tokens for more details
variantobjectOfSystem variant prop, see variants for more details


In exceptional circumstances, the following tokens can be passed to this component to override its default styles. Do not do this unless absolutely necessary. Read more about overriding styles.

View Tokens
Prop NameToken PropertyToken Type



ExpandCollapse has no stylistic variants.
