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import { ButtonGroup } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

ButtonGroup allows the selection of (by default) one element from a selection of labelled buttons.

Spacing between buttons increases on wider viewports (lg and xl).


Use for sets of options with very simple, short labels, ideally one word or two.

Consider RadioGroup for items with labels of a few words in length and RadioCard for more complex options requiring a title and additional description content.

maxValues prop

The prop maxValues may be passed to allow more than one item to be selected. Pass a number to set that as the maximum, or null to have no maximum and allow any number of selections.


onChange prop

An onChange function may be provided, which is called when a ButtonGroup item is toggled.


Controlled usage with values prop

Pass an array of item ids to the values prop as well as onChange to control the ButtonGroup from a parent.

This is usually the easiest way to control sibling content with a ButtonGroup.


Uncontrolled usage

The ButtonGroup manages its own state internally if values is not passed.

A default selection may be set by passing an array of item IDs to initialValues. Do not use both initialValues and values props in the same ButtonGroup.



By default, ButtonGroup is treated by accessibility tools as a group of radio buttons.

If maxValues prop is used to allow multiple selections, the buttons will be treated like checkboxes.

Platform considerations

The component is available on both native platforms and web.


accessibilityRolemaxValues === 1 ? 'radiogroup' // radiogroup is cross-platform; only web aria has generic groups :{ web: 'group', default: 'none' })
copy'en' | 'fr'Sets the language of microcopy in subcomponents (e.g. Tooltip's default accessibility label).
feedbackstringIf provided, a Feedback element is rendered containing this text.
hintstringOptional additional text giving more detail to help a user make a choice.
inactiveboolfalseIf true, the buttons cannot be interacted with, elements are set as 'disabled' and if the theme supports 'inactive' appearances rules, these are applied.
initialValuesArray<string>If 'values' is not passed, making the ButtonGroup an "uncontrolled" component managing its own selected state, a default set of selections may be provided. Changing the 'initialValues' does not change the user's selections.
itemsArray<{ label: string, accessibilityLabel: string, id: string, ref }>[]The options a user may select
legendstringMain text used to describe this group, used in Fieldset's Legend element.
maxValuesnumber1The maximum number of items a user may select at once. Defaults to 1 and behaves like radio buttons. To have no limit and allow any number of selections, pass 'null'.
namestringOn Web, this is passed to the 'name' attribute of the fieldset.
onChangefuncIf provided, this function is called when the current selection is changed and is passed an array of the 'id's of all currently selected 'items'.
readOnlyboolfalseIf true, the buttons cannot be selected by the user and simply show their current state.
tokenscustomSystem tokens prop, see tokens for more details
tooltipstringOptional tooltip text content to include alongside the legend and hint.
validation'error' | 'success'Current validation status of the group, passed to the feedback element if there is one.
valuesArray<string>If the selected item(s) in the button group are to be controlled externally by a parent component, pass an array of strings as well as an 'onChange' handler. Passing an array for "values" makes the ButtonGroup a "controlled" component that expects its state to be handled via 'onChange' and so doesn't handle it itself.
variantobjectOfSystem variant prop, see variants for more details


In exceptional circumstances, the following tokens can be passed to this component to override its default styles. Do not do this unless absolutely necessary. Read more about overriding styles.

View Tokens
Prop NameToken PropertyToken Type



This component does not have any stylistic variants.
