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import { Icon } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

A wrapper for svg icons. Takes an icon from the Allium palette, and renders it with theming applied.


Design guidance on the usage and choice of Iconography is given in the Icons palette documentation for each category of icons used in the Allium brand.


  • Pass an accessibilityLabel for icons that have a meaning that should be communicated to the user. This will be used by assistive technology such as screen readers.
  • Don't repeat content in an accessibilityLabel that is already present in text. If an icon's accessibilityLabel would simply repeat the text next to it, it is better to treat the icon as decorative.
  • If the accessibilityLabel prop is not passed, the icon will treated as purely decorative and will be set as ignorable by assistive technology via the attribute aria-hidden.
  • If an icon is to be included alongside text and has a meaning related to the text, pass the prop scalesWithText as true so that if a sighted users increases their device's text size, the icon also scales to a size similar to the size they find comfortable for reading.

Platform considerations

In web-only projects, use the web palette build to import icons.

import { Users } from '@telus-uds/palette-allium/build/web/icons'
import { Icon } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

const icon = <Icon icon={Users} accessibilityLabel="Works on Web" />

In native apps and cross-platform projects, import the palette icons from the rn build instead of the web build. This will select an svg icon for web, and a native svg icon for native platforms.


In order for this to work on native platforms, you will need to have react-native-svg installed as a dependency in your project.

import { Users } from '@telus-uds/palette-allium/build/rn/icons'
import { Icon } from '@telus-uds/components-base'

const icon = <Icon icon={Users} accessibilityLabel="Works on Web, iOS and Android" />


accessibilityLabelstringDescriptive label used in web SVG title tag for accessibility
icon*elementTypeA valid UDS icon component imported from a UDS palette (e.g.) 'import { MyIcon } from @telus-uds/palette-<brand>/build/web/icons'
scalesWithTextboolfalsecontrols whether the icon size should be proportionate to any accessibility-related font scaling.
tokenscustomSystem tokens prop, see tokens for more details
variantobjectOfSystem variant prop, see variants for more details


In exceptional circumstances, the following tokens can be passed to this component to override its default styles. Do not do this unless absolutely necessary. Read more about overriding styles.

View Tokens
Prop NameToken PropertyToken Type



Icon has a fixed size and colour and does not automatically inherit sizes or colour from surrounding text. Instead, components that use icons alongside text, such as Link, set the icon's size and colour tokens explicitly, to complement the styles of each variant.

There are two variants generally available for icons used outside of such components:

  • To change the size of an icon by setting the size variant to one of the following values: micro, small, large, extraLarge (with "normal" size being the default)
  • To give an icon a more eye-catching purple colour, set variant { rank: 'primary' }

Consult with the Allium brand team if you wish to use other icon styles for a custom component. It is technically possible via the tokens prop but the brand team should be consulted to ensure the desired design is not off-brand or inconsistent.
