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import { FlexGrid } from '@telus-uds/ds-allium'

A mobile-first flexbox grid based on the "12-column grid" pattern.


Use FlexGrid to build grid layouts based on divisions of 12: imagine the screen width as being divided into 12 slices: each FlexGrid row contains one or more columns which occupy a given number of those 12 slices.

A FlexGrid is built using a <FlexGrid> outer container which contains one or more <FlexGrid.Row>s, then each row contains one or more <FlexGrid.Col> columns, each of which claims a number of the 12 slices available for the overall row. The number of slices claimed may vary by viewport, allowing grids to be created that change shape based on the viewport.

None of the FlexGrid components depend on being direct children of each other and all may contain non-FlexGrid children, so FlexGrid may be used with other layout and spacing components such as Divider, Spacer, Box and StackView.

See below for detailed documentation on each of the subcomponents.



For simpler or more flexible grid layouts, consider using StackView. Many grid layouts can be achieved by using <StackView> columns inside <StackView direction="row"> rows, and StackView directions may be made conditional on viewport (for example, <StackView direction={{ xs: 'column', md: 'row' }} />).

For table grids where columns have the same width across different rows and where assisted-technology users may better understand the content based on column and row headers, consider Table (web only).

For grids where exactly 6 small captioned images follow a fixed responsive "waffle" pattern, consider WaffleGrid (web only).


Reversing the order of content using *Reverse props should be done sparingly as it creates a disconnect between the order of items seen visually on the screen and the order in which items are navigated by keyboard navigation and by screen readers. This may make pages harder to navigate or more confusing for sighted users using keyboard navigation or partially-sighted users who use screen readers as an assistance rather than a replacement to scanning the screen visually.

Tag prop for semantic HTML

By default, FlexGrid renders a <div> on web and a View with no accessibility role on native apps.

To render a HTML attribute with a semantic meaning on web, pass a string naming a HTML semantic layout tag to the tag prop. An accessibilityRole may also be passed if a role is needed in native apps. Heading tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) are by default mapped to "heading" role in native apps.

See the tag entry in the props table for the full list of supported tags.


Platform considerations

FlexGrid may be used in both web and native apps.

The prop horizontalAlign behaves somewhat differently between platforms:

  • On web, text elements inside a column or row with the horizontalAlign prop applied will inherit left, right or center text alignment corresponding to that horizontalAlign prop, unless they either have explicitly set textAlign styles themselves or they have an ancestor below the FlexGrid that sets textAlign.
  • In native apps, text elements do not inherit textAlign from the horizontalAlign FlexGrid element.


A FlexGrid consists of:


All instances of FlexGrid should be within one FlexGrid container. This sets the grid's outer container and provides all columns and rows with the gutter prop value.


By default, 16px of spacing is provided between all columns in all rows. The amount of spacing here is fixed and cannot be overridden; however, passing false to the gutter prop removes this default spacing from all columns in all rows.



The prop outsideGutter controls whether the 16px gutter should also be applied either side of the FlexGrid row's content. Passing outsideGutter={false} while keeping gutter={true} applies the spacing only between FlexGrid rows.

Do not set both outsideGutter={false} and gutter={false}; this will overcompensate and result in the FlexGrid's rows being wider than its parent.


By default, the FlexGrid sets the maximum width of the overall container to the maximum width of the current viewport, at viewports sm or above. To disable this behaviour and set no max width on the outer container at any viewport, set limitWidth to false.

Reverse props (xsReverse, smReverse...)

"Reverse" props may be set on the outer container for each viewport (xsReverse, smReverse, mdReverse, lgReverse, xlReverse). These control the order of the FlexGrid's rows.

Pass one of these props as true to reverse the rows at this viewport and above, and pass one as false to stop reversing at this viewport or above.



Within the FlexGrid container, there should be one or more FlexGrid.Row rows.

horizontalAlign, verticalAlign and distribute props

These props set the flex alignment behaviours of the immediate children of the row - i.e. each FlexGrid.Col wrapper, and any elements placed in the row not inside a FlexGrid.Col.

These props take a string and are not responsive - it is not expected that flex rows change their alignment styles based on the current viewport.

horizontalAlign and distribute apply horizontally and usually only have an effect when there is leftover space (i.e. when the columns total does not add up to 12). verticalAlign applies vertically and usually only has an effect when columns in a row have different heights.

horizontalAlign values map to justifyContent and textAlign styles:

  • horizontalAlign="start" maps to { justifyContent: 'flex-start', textAlign: 'left' }
  • horizontalAlign="center" maps to { justifyContent: 'center', textAlign: 'center' }
  • horizontalAlign="end" maps to { justifyContent: 'flex-end', textAlign: 'right' }

Note that on native apps, due to React Native's limited text style inheritance, text within a FlexGrid.Row will not inherit these textAlign values and alignment should still be set on text components inside the row such as Typography.


distribute values set the distribution of any leftover space and also map to justifyContent:

  • distribute="around" distributes space evenly before, after and between each item. It maps to { justifyContent: 'space-around' }
  • distribute="between" distributes space evenly between items, leaving the first and last items tight against the left and right edges of the Row. It maps to { justifyContent: 'space-between' }

If both horizontalAlign and distribute props are set, distribute has priority and the final justifyContent style of the rendered will be based on the distribute value not the horizontalAlign value.


verticalAlign values map to alignItems styles:

  • verticalAlign="top" maps to { alignItems: 'flex-start' }
  • verticalAlign="middle" maps to { alignItems: 'center' }
  • verticalAlign="bottom" maps to { alignItems: 'flex-end' }

Reverse props (xsReverse, smReverse...)

"Reverse" props may be set on the outer container for each viewport (xsReverse, smReverse, mdReverse, lgReverse, xlReverse). These control the order of the columns within this row.

Pass one of these props as true to reverse the columns at this viewport and above, and pass one as false to stop reversing at this viewport or above.


Within each FlexGrid.Row row, there should be one or more FlexGrid.Col columns.

xs, sm, md, lg and xl

These props take number values, where the number indicates how many twelths of the available width this column tries to fill. For example, 3 means one quarter of the available width, 4 means a third, 6 means half, 9 means three quarters and 12 means the column tries to fill the whole width.

This applies at and above the viewport specified, until another prop is specified. For example, <FlexGrid.Col xs={12} md={6} /> occupies the full width at viewports xs and sm, and occupies half the available width at viewports md, lg and xl.

If the values for all the columns in a row exceed 12, the content of that row will wrap onto a new line. A common use of this prop is to create layouts that take up one row on wide screens and which collapse down to multiple rows on narrower screens.


Offset props (xsOffset, xsOffset...)

Offset props may be used to leave an amount of space empty before a column at and above the given viewport (xsOffset, smOffset, mdOffset, lgOffset, xlOffset).

Giving a column an offset prop gives similar visual output to preceding a column with an empty column that has the equivalent responsive prop. For example, <FlexGrid.Col xsOffset={3} mdOffset={6}> is similar to preceding a column with an empty column <FlexGrid.Col xs={3} md={3} />.


horizontalAlign prop

FlexGrid.Col's horizontalAlign prop is quite different to FlexGrid.Row's. It sets the text alignment of the wrapper (not justifyContent), and it is a responsive prop: it may take a string ('left', 'center' or 'right') or an object keyed by viewports (e.g. { xs: 'left', lg: 'right' }).

Note that because this works using HTML text inheritance rules, it has no effect on child elements that already have a text alignment specified in their own styles, and it has no effect in native apps.



FlexGrid props

children*nodeThe rows and columns of the Grid. Will typically be 'FlexGrid.Row' and 'FlexGrid.Col' components.
gutterbooltrueWhether or not to include gutters in between columns.
lgReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'lg' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the lg breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
limitWidthbooltrueWhether or not to give the grid a fixed width. This also centres the grid horizontally.
mdReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'md' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the md breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
outsideGutterbooltrueWhether or not to include gutter at the ends to the left and right of the FlexGrid
smReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'sm' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the sm breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
tag'h1' | 'h2' | 'h3' | 'h4' | 'h5' | 'h6' | 'article' | 'aside' | 'blockquote' | 'footer' | 'figure' | 'form' | 'header' | 'ul' | 'li' | 'main' | 'nav' | 'section' | 'label'Optional semantic HTML tag, to apply to the container on web. Does not change styling. In native apps, if a header tag is provided ("h1", "h2" etc) and accessibilityRole prop is not defined, the accessibilityRole will default to "heading".
xlReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'xl' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the xl breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
xsReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'xs' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the xs breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.

FlexGrid.Col props

children*nodeThe columns of the Grid. Will typically be 'FlexGrid.Col' components.
flexbool(web only) Stretches the column to fill vertical space using 'display: flex'. In native apps, FlexGrid.Col behaves as if this is always true (as do all 'View's).
horizontalAlignresponsiveProps .getTypeOptionallyByViewport( PropTypes.oneOf(['left', 'center', 'right']) )Align content horizontally within the column. Accepts a 'PropType.string' following the [responsive prop](#/Layout?id=responsive) structure.
lg0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | true | falseSpecify number of columns within the 'lg' breakpoint range. '0' hides the column. 'true' sets the column width automatically; 'false' disables the prop
lgOffset0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11Offset the specified number of columns within the 'lg' breakpoint range.
md0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | true | falseSpecify number of columns within the 'md' breakpoint range. '0' hides the column. 'true' sets the column width automatically; 'false' disables the prop
mdOffset0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11Offset the specified number of columns within the 'md' breakpoint range.
sm0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | true | falseSpecify number of columns within the 'sm' breakpoint range. '0' hides the column. 'true' sets the column width automatically; 'false' disables the prop
smOffset0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11Offset the specified number of columns within the 'sm' breakpoint range.
xl0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | true | falseSpecify number of columns after the 'xl' breakpoint. '0' hides the column. 'true' sets the column width automatically; 'false' disables the prop
xlOffset0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11Offset the specified number of columns within the 'xl' breakpoint range.
xs0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | true | falseSpecify number of columns within the 'xs' breakpoint range. '0' hides the column. 'true' sets the column width automatically; 'false' disables the prop
xsOffset0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11Offset the specified number of columns within the 'xs' breakpoint range. '0' hides the column.

FlexGrid.Row props

distribute'around' | 'between'Distribute empty space around columns.
horizontalAlign'start' | 'center' | 'end'Align columns horizontally within their row.
lgReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'lg' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the lg breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
mdReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'md' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the md breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
smReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'sm' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the sm breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
verticalAlign'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'Align columns vertically within their row.
xlReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'xl' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the xl breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
xsReverseboolChoose if the item order should be reversed from the 'xs' breakpoint. When you pass in false, the order will be normal from the xs breakpoint. By default, it inherits the behaviour set by the preceding prop.
